Drainage is crucial in and around a home as owners look to keep their families safe and their property protected. Aside from the kitchen and bathroom, proper outdoor drainage is key as weather can take a toll on a yard, patio, balcony or driveway. Sitting water may create a slipping hazard, lead to unsightly residue on flat surfaces and speed up the deterioration of outdoor furniture and fixtures.


Infinity Drain offers a variety of outdoor drainage solutions, including customization options, for every area around the home. Below are some drain placement recommendations that will keep your home safe and beautiful for years to come.


On the Driveway

A linear drain installed along a driveway will divert rain and melted snow, reducing the risk of water pooling on the driveway and potentially damaging the seal. This lack of standing water also prevents ice formation and possible vehicular damage. Proper drainage in your home’s front or side yard area helps maintain a cleaner appearance by preventing unsightly puddles and mud, improving the overall look of your property.


At the Entryway

Welcoming guests into your home shouldn’t also mean welcoming water onto your floors. Puddles near an entryway mean wet shoes trudging through your foyer, potentially staining carpets or wearing down hardwood. Placing a drain near any entrance to the house will reduce the risk of flooring damage while keeping surfaces safe and dry to walk on.


Along the Perimeter

Protect your foundation and keep your home dry with a drain placed along the perimeter of the house. There are few thoughts more daunting to a homeowner than the threat of moist grounds and a leaky structure. This is especially important to consider if your home is surrounded by natural wetlands, water-retaining greenery or non-porous materials such as stone pavers. Installing a drain along the house’s perimeter will direct water away from your home, keeping the inside dry and safe.


On the Balcony

Reduce slick flooring on a balcony with an Infinity Drain custom drain, designed to fit your space perfectly. After heavy rainfall or plant irrigation, balconies can become a serious slipping hazard. Efficient drainage is needed to keep this outdoor area safe and usable all year round.


By the Pool

Nothing dampens the fun of a pool party quite like a slip. Keep adults, children and pets safe by the pool with a linear drain. Infinity Drain’s Site Sizable® linear drains can be joined together to create infinite lengths for outdoor applications. Splash around all summer knowing the excess water in your backyard is draining away rather than posing a threat of injury. Ridding the area of these chlorinated puddles will also extend the life of your patio and outdoor furniture.


In the Outdoor Kitchen

Summer is the season for grilling, and equipping your outdoor kitchen with proper drainage materials will ensure barbecue goodness all year round! Draining rain, melted snow and spills away from your cooking station will keep the area functioning and tidy.


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