2019 Remodelers’ Choice 100: Remodeler Driven Results
By Kacey Larsen
A year’s worth of coverage is compiled into the 100 products most requested by our readers.
Each month, our magazine features approximately 50 products among our product trends articles, new product coverage, spotlights on specific product categories, and more. We also have an article in each issue called Remodelers’ Choice, where reader requests and pageviews drive the in-depth product coverage.
So you, our readers, decide where the editors focus their attention for this particular product coverage. Because we appreciate that feedback—via reader service cards and visits to our website—the Qualified Remodeler team has compiled this spotlight on the past year’s most requested product information. It is the Remodelers’ Choice 100.
You will see the most requested products from April 1, 2018, through March 30, 2019. Each product included here appeared at least once within the magazine during that time period. Looking through these pages, a few trends emerge.